September 2015: Tips, eNews and More!

September is a month of transition, and it's not just the weather that's changing! The kids are back in school and you, yourself, may need to adjust to a more demanding routine. Added stress may have you looking for ways to save time, but two things that should not be skipped during your morning routine are a nutritious breakfast and regular brushing and flossing.

From the classroom to the boardroom, a healthy breakfast improves performance, concentration and overall health. You don't need a three course sit-down meal; keep it simple with a healthy bowl of oatmeal and fruit for a healthy boost to start your day. Brushing and flossing can provide the opportunity to think positively about your day to help you reduce stress while maintaining your oral health.

Time for Your Cleaning

Is it time for a cleaning or to have unfinished dental work completed? If your dental benefits are based on the calendar year, your maximums may not roll over into the new year. Our calendar fills up quickly this time of year, so we encourage you to call today if you need an appointment before the new year.

Have a safe and healthy month,

The Team at Dr. Anthony Bastone Dentistry

Try Mouthwash with Essential Oils

Have you heard of biofilm?

Biofilm is a gooey substance that can form on any surface containing water and is exposed to bacteria. You can find biofilm on surfaces like sinks, countertops, cutting boards and yes, even inside your own mouth - Yuck! Biofilm on your teeth can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease so it is important to take the necessary preventative measures.

Luckily we can prevent biofilm from forming by practicing good oral care including the use of mouthwash. Mouthwash is a great way to leave your mouth feeling nice and clean while also combating cavities and gum disease. It can also help prevent plaque from building up on your teeth and gums. Plaque is a type of yellowish biofilm that can form on the surface of your teeth and negatively affect your oral health.

What type of mouthwash is best for you?

A mouthwash with antibacterial ingredients can help but it is important to choose the right one for you. A fluoride mouthwash can help prevent cavities while one that is alcohol-based or containing chlorhexidine can help prevent gum disease

Mouthwash with Essential Oils

Why not try making your own mouthwash! A homemade mouthwash with essential oils is a good alternative since you can control the amount of alcohol that is used in the formula. Natural ingredients like peppermint, cinnamon, and clove are also good for you and can be used to serve different purposes, like combating bad breath and even healing cold sores.

Click here to learn about the benefits of mouth wash with essential oils.

Dips for Friends

If you are entertaining friends and family, chances are you were considering serving chips and dip. While many dips are quick and easy, they are also loaded with fats, salt, sugar and preservatives. Undoubtedly, people will eat too much and complain about tummy aches. Is this any way to treat a friend?

Why not surprise your guests with something delicious and secretly nutritious? Here are three dips that will leave your friends talking, and while they may have seconds, they will be left with energy rather than guilt.

Click here for the full recipe!